Being mindful of the uncertainty of it all I share my favorite parable.
A simple story bearing two thousand year-old roots and said to be of Taoist origin. I make no claim on its true beginning nor accuracy. I simply relay it to you as it was told to me.
The Chinese Farmer
A farmer owned a prized horse in a small village where he lived with his only son.
One day the horse ran off.
“What terrible luck” exclaimed his neighbor.
“Maybe so, maybe not. We will see” was all the farmer replied.
Two days later the farmer’s horse returned bringing several mares with him.
“What wonderful luck. You now have a small herd of horses” said his neighbor.
“Maybe so, maybe not. We will see” returned the farmer.
The following day the farmer’s son, while trying to break one of the mares, was thrown to the ground, injuring his leg.
Your son has broken his leg, what terrible luck” cried his neighbor.
“Maybe so, maybe not. We will see” spoke the farmer.
A few days later the army marched through town, conscripting all the able-bodied young men. The farmer’s son was left behind as a result of his damaged leg.
“You still have your boy! What wonderful luck” the villagers all cried out.
“Maybe so, maybe not. We will see” was all the farmer said.
And so it is. We lack the knowledge and perspective in our moments. Only time can unfold our life properly and then sometimes slowly. But unfold it does.
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