The uncultured billionaire won the support of the uncultured voter. And became the President of the United States as a result.
Or as Greg Gutfeld said, “The uncool kids just told the cool kids to suck it”.
Think about it this way. This country has millions of folks who get up every day, go to their jobs, coach their kids’ little league teams, have dinner around the living room table – and then sit down in front of the television and find out they are mocked for the very values that guide their daily life.
Since when did it become the norm to look down on folks who work hard, raise their kids and love their family and country? My guess is the nineties…
The democrats put forth Hillary Clinton – and everything she stands for – as their candidate. Stop for a moment and really think what this looked like to the average voter. Long on experience and policy? Sure. Aloof, above the law and out of touch with anyone in middle America? Yup. As the Wiki Leaks spilled forth, as the FBI investigations came and went, it began to look like what it was. Hillary was a person from the other place, the other side. A person to whom rules, laws and problems of daily life did not apply. Clinton was the one who mocked your values, who looked down on how you led your life. She condescended to the average voter. And they knew it.
The loss of states like Michigan came as a shock to Democrats. Why? Michael Moore was warning anyone who would listen that Democrats had a real problem in those states. It sure looked to me as if these states held exactly the kind of voter Trump was appealing to. People who had lost their jobs to foreign manufacturing. Or people who got up every morning wondering if they were going to lose their jobs. Coastal democrats are aware what the city of Detroit looks like, right? Or maybe they aren’t aware – and that’s why they lost.
There is a small Ace Hardware store near my home. They are struggling to stay afloat in the Los Angeles beach community where I live. But stay afloat they do – through hard work and quick, friendly expertise you don’t find at Home Depot. And they told me Trump was for real about nine months ago. They convinced me Trump was for real – and might even win – after Donald clinched the nomination. Their enthusiasm was catching – and palpable. Trump was the topic of conversation throughout the store every time I dropped in to try my hand at some ill-fated home project. They knew and understood that their support for Trump was not broadly popular in their L.A. area. And they didn’t care. Trump spoke to their daily concerns and fears directly.
I think Trump understands at least a little bit how these people feel. Laugh if you want but Trump watched his empire crumble under falling real estate values and crushing debt in the early nineties. He almost lost control of everything. He was forced into difficult negotiations with his lenders. He had a huge negative net worth. And he bounced back.
He also carries a chip on his shoulder. Trump is like no billionaire I’ve seen or encountered. And I do have some personal experience – there were three billionaires on the same floor as my small cubicle when I started my career – and I interacted with them not infrequently. The billionaires I knew were powerful, sophisticated – members of the Bohemian Club in San Francisco. They rubbed shoulders with past presidents and Federal Reserve officials alike. They did not look, act or talk like Trump. Trust me when I tell you this – Trump was not – and never would be – a member of their club.
Trump had no need for political office – his wealth made this election an inconvenience not a necessity. You may not believe that statement but that’s not important or even relevant. His supporters believe it.
For the first time these people saw someone with wealth and power speaking directly to them – running for them. And they responded with a fierce and powerful loyalty that shook the very foundation of this country.
Congratulations President Trump.
Congratulations to those who supported and believed in him.
Because this is your victory.
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