Who is Milo?
Milo Yiannopoulos is a gay 33 year-old British speaker, journalist, author and senior editor of Breitbart News. You can think of him as a Republican-Libertarian swirl with frosted tips.
He has been labeled as alt-right, a white nationalist, anti-Semitic and generally racist by the Left. He has mocked Libertarians as “people who have given up looking for an answer”.
CNN hates him.
So do Leftists, Progressives, Social Justice Warriors and Neo-Nazis. And all of Mainstream Media.
He was banned by Twitter. He is the self-described “most fabulous supervillain on the internet”.
In reality Milo is none of these things. Milo is a shake-things-up conservative draped in common-sense ideas, with a disdain for PC speech, a defiance of labels, a hatred for identity politics and a love of unpopular truths. And gay. With frosted hair.
He is an unabashed, unashamed and vocal critic of Progressives, Liberals, Islam, Radical Feminism, Third-Wave Feminism, Political Correctness, Social Justice, Social Justice Warriors and Black Lives Matter. He is also a practicing Catholic.
He is somewhat hard to classify. Which plays to his strengths.
Milo’s “Dangerous Faggot Tour” just concluded its final campus stop at Berkeley – the now infamous protest where he was met by rioters and outside agitators – many of them organized and paid – all of them Progressives trying to squelch free speech.
If you’re curious I suggest you check out his YouTube page. You can gain a quick sense of what he is really all about. You will also be able to appreciate how well-spoken and articulate he is. Milo is a strong debater with a sharp wit, a good sense of humor, and a big dose of common-sense. Another good spot is his Facebook Page – his most recent post was a video of a famous Milton Friedman speech.
Milo is friendly with President Trump. He also calls him Daddy. I’m serious. And I’m sure he knows how that infuriates the Left – and the Right. As Milo noted when Trump won the Presidency in November; “Trump means an American government that will serve the people, and be rooted in common sense.” You can find Milo’s piece “What Trump Means” here – where Milo touches on a Trump Presidency’s impact on Protesters, Hoaxers, Establishment Republicans, the Democrat Party, Celebrities, the Media and Deplorables. It’s a fun read.
As I noted, Milo was banned from twitter. This fact is most often used as a means to discredit him. He had been banned from twitter before. This one was permanent. Milo had waged war on the feminist “Ghostbusters” reboot – a truly god-awful movie and a remake travesty in my opinion – and wrote a scathingly funny review of the film. The two tweets – directed at “Ghostbusters” star Leslie Jones – that got him banned were these:
“If at first you don’t succeed (because your work is terrible), play the victim. EVERYONE GETS HATE MAIL FFS
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero)”
and then:
“Barely literate. America needs better schools!
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero)”
What really happened was large amounts of internet trolls attacked Ms. Jones – some in truly awful ways – and Milo got tagged as the ringleader. He responded with this:
“With the cowardly suspension of my account, Twitter has confirmed itself as a safe space for Muslim terrorists and Black Lives Matter extremists, but a no-go zone for conservatives. Twitter is holding me responsible for the actions of fans and trolls using the special pretzel logic of the left.”
Milo actually has a point. Twitter has proven itself very tolerant of Leftist Extremism while being quick to crack down on less vitriolic posts from the Right. Posts calling for violence against police officers by Black Lives Matter has been routinely ignored. Death threats against Republican Senators were allowed to remain for weeks. Meanwhile, I have had posts on fairly innocuous topics edited out or simply vanish without explanation. Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, has routinely complained about Twitter’s censorship practice of conservatives on his blog.
Which leads me to a broader point: The Liberals war on truth.
Liberals’ problem, their Achilles Heel, is they were convinced they won the Cultural wars – and they believed everyone else had either been converted or died off. They were convinced they had succeeded in shouting down everyone who disagreed with them. And the media was more than complicit – they were the ringleaders. Rather than entertaining open, curious and intelligent discussion they preferred to take solace in oppositional silence – or the CNN soundbites they could endlessly repeat to their friends.
And I think that’s the real reason why the Democrats lost. And it’s why they are going to lose this battle as well. Progressives don’t just seem unwilling to debate – they seem literally unable to do so. Everything is an emotional-based response. And the root of all other emotions – the emotion that everything else springs from – including anger and rage – is fear.
Progressives have shouted down truths for so long they have become afraid of them. And that’s why Milo is so threatening and vilified.
A young, gay, articulate, politically conservative, charismatic and humorous truth-teller who really, really likes black guys. How do you respond to that as a Liberal?
Apparently with stones, violence and riots.
Liberals and Progressives are fond of calling the Right names – racists, xenophobic, Nazis. It’s an intentional step that makes it easier to avoid debate – and leads to hate. Label your opponents as Nazis and then use that label as justification for attacks – physical, verbal and otherwise. In reducing your opponents to hateful verbal stereotypes you have dehumanized them. They are no longer worthy or deserving of debate. But they are worthy of violence. They are deserving of violence.
It’s censorship gone viral. It’s censorship gone violent. It’s also going to lead to further Democratic losses.
And that’s a truth.
But let’s end this on a high note. Watch Milo utterly disarm – and charm – CNBC’s Power Lunch members during an in-person interview about the Alt-Right. When people actually take the time to listen – people like Milo can actually seem pretty reasonable.
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