It must have been a strange week for the Liberal set.
The scandal over Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore has now morphed into a competition of which Liberal could throw Bill Clinton under the bus – the hardest and fastest – while simultaneously defending Democrat Senator Al Franken.
Jake Tapper summed it up nicely:
Liberal twitter today = 50% reexamining/regretting how they treated Bill Clinton‘s accusers; 50% attacking Al Franken’s accuser.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) November 17, 2017
But a picture’s worth a thousand words…
Happy 2017, Democrats
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) November 16, 2017
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who was selected to fill Hillary’s vacant Senate seat in 2009, had this to say:
— Richard Hurowitz (@RichardHurowitz) November 17, 2017
There was just one problem:
Still, Gillibrand campaigned with, and praised Bill Clinton, as recently as last year
— Nathan McDermott (@natemcdermott) November 17, 2017
What a difference a year makes…
Today, I’m honored to be traveling around #NY w/Pres. @BillClinton campaigning for @HillaryClinton, letting New Yorkers know why #ImWithHer!
— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) April 16, 2016
A few people noticed:
Gillibrand, who apparently just learned that Bill Clinton was a sexual predator, says Bill should have resigned.
After accepting his endorsement in 2006… after hosting fundraisers with him in 2009…
How politically convenient.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) November 17, 2017
Some Republicans, old enough to have been present for the Bill Clinton Presidency recalled a differing position from Democrats:
Reminder: they didn’t just disagree with us for saying this. They attacked us. Accused us of attempting a coup.
— Tim Carney (@TPCarney) November 17, 2017
Becket Adams of the Washington Examiner had a few thoughts:
The thing that’s deeply annoying about all of this is that it isn’t a conclusion they’ve reached after several years of consideration.
They came to this conclusion just 12 months after embracing, boosting and stumping for the Clinton brand. Brazen opportunism.
— Tsar Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) November 17, 2017
The Clinton Global Initiative is shuttered. Donations to the Clinton Foundation have dried up. Hillary is somehow polling worse than Trump. DNC is cleaning house, putting blame for 2016 squarely on Clinton and their allies.
Yes, you can attack Bill now. It’s safe.
— Tsar Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) November 17, 2017
But for a while there, you were licking their boots and begging for their scraps. That was just last year. You thought they were going back to the White House and you didn’t give a shit what kind of skeletons they had in their big-ass, walk-in closet.
— Tsar Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) November 17, 2017
But now that they’re washed up and useless — well, *now* you’ve seen the light.
— Tsar Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) November 17, 2017
It’s not just safe to go after him, it’s incredibly convenient. You wrung the last bit of usefulness and influence out of them, and you can finally be rid of them and their weird, scary scandals. That brand is tired anyway, and you can boost yours by throwing them overboard.
— Tsar Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) November 17, 2017
Anyway, I look forward to reading the “Actually, Hillary Was Bad” thinkpieces in 2037. What’s another 20 years?
— Tsar Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) November 17, 2017
Philippe Reines, senior advisor to Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State – one of her closest aides – became mildly annoyed:
Ken Starr spent $70 million on a consensual blowjob. Senate voted to keep POTUS WJC. But not enough for you @SenGillibrand? Over 20 yrs you took the Clintons’ endorsements, money, and seat. Hypocrite.
Interesting strategy for 2020 primaries. Best of luck.
— Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) November 17, 2017
Of course, Reines was leaving out a few salient facts:
Amazing. Even today there are still some on the left dishonestly dismissing Clinton’s misbehavior as nothing more than an extramarital affair. He committed perjury while being sued for sexual harassment.
— Brian Garst (@BrianGarst) November 17, 2017
Gillibrand wasn’t done. She turned her attention to embattled Senator Al Franken:
The allegations against Sen. Franken are deeply concerning. This kind of behavior is unacceptable and should not be tolerated anywhere in our society. There is nothing funny about it and there is no excuse for it. The Ethics Committee deserves answers from him.
— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) November 16, 2017
One picture can sure change a Senator’s day…
#BREAKING Leann Tweeden claims @alfranken kissed and groped her without her consent! #ThursdayThoughts Since accusations are all you need to convict lately, I expect outrage from our public officials immediately!
— PolitiDiva™ (@realPolitiDiva) November 16, 2017
In contrast to her new-found take on Clinton, Gillibrand couldn’t quite bring herself to call for Franken’s resignation – only answers…
“There should be an ethics investigation” is code for “we need to get this off the front pages and maybe everybody will forget”
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) November 16, 2017
Some noticed a certain… change… in Gillibrand’s position from her prior years in the Senate:
I don’t think ppl fully understand the significance of this. Gillibrand has made sexual assault her core focus. Now she’s telling us it’s all a play to her.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) November 17, 2017
She’s attempted to use the her power and position in govt to ruin an innocent man’s life. And now she’ll protect a guilty one because he’s a Democrat.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) November 17, 2017
This after she completely changed her positions on issues b/c Schumer offered her the Senate seat. Gillibrand embodies so much wrong with politics.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) November 17, 2017
Some liberal outlets decided to take a firmer stance:
Allegations regarding @SenFranken are deeply disturbing. Progressives & Democrats must not tolerate sexual harassment or assault. We must lift up women & others speaking out. @SenFranken should be held to the same standard as anyone in public or private life.
— (@MoveOn) November 16, 2017
There was just one problem:
From the organization named and created to “Move On” from Bill Clinton’s sex scandals…
— Jeff Carlson, CFA (@themarketswork) November 17, 2017
Others found it more expedient to go after Franken’s accuser:
The jury’s still out on LeeAnn Tweeden and Al Franken but here’s some pictures from her FB and IG pages. Hardly the bespectacled frump she portrayed on TV today. LOL. She’s a Playboy Playmate, a gun fanatic and a tRump supporter. You decide.
— Vivian Copeland (@Belairviv) November 17, 2017
Strange, since Franken himself had recently weighed in on such matters:
Sexual harassment and violence are unacceptable. We all must do our part to listen, stand with, and support survivors.
— Sen. Al Franken (@SenFranken) October 23, 2017
A remedy was suggested:
We should probably have the entire city of Washington DC register as a sex offender
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 16, 2017
Followed quickly by another:
Add Hollywood to that list.
— NeeNeeD2 ?? (@NeeNee_D2) November 16, 2017
But some simple questions were left lingering:
Nothing/s wrong w/apologies but when people are sorry *only* after pictures/video of their behavior is shown, are they really sorry? (Or are they just sorry they got caught?) They could have been sorry yrs ago. Would they be sorry if they hadn’t been caught?
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) November 16, 2017
And some serious issues raised:
Let’s pretend for a moment that there are powerful members of Congress w/ skeletons in their closets known to some in politics & intel agencies. I wonder if their political behavior and votes could be shaped?
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) November 16, 2017
I wonder…
While I find myself enjoying the discomfort of Dems, I simultaneously find myself thoroughly disgusted with Congress.
All of them.
D.C. is a hot bubbling mess. Both the Senate and House filled with blithering idiots.
Maybe Seth Mandel has the best idea of all:
Burn it all down. There aren’t ten righteous in the American government.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) November 17, 2017
Oh yeah, in case you missed it, this just happened:
Florida Democratic Party Chairman Resigns Over “Creepy” Sexual Conduct –
— Richard Baris (@Peoples_Pundit) November 17, 2017
It’s gonna keep happening.
House cleaning time.
So to speak.
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