“Liberals attempt through Judicial Activism what they cannot win at the ballot box” – Rush Limbaugh
“A Constitution is not meant to facilitate change. It is meant to impede change, to make it difficult to change.” – Justice Antonin Scalia
“The role assigned to judges in our system was to interpret the Constitution and lesser laws, not to make them. It was to protect the integrity of the Constitution, not to add to it or subtract from it – certainly not to rewrite it.” – Ronald Reagan
What is Judicial Activism?
Elizabeth Slattery of the Heritage Foundation offers the following from her article, How to Spot Judicial Activism:
“A simple working definition is that judicial activism occurs when judges fail to apply the Constitution or laws impartially according to their original public meaning, regardless of the outcome, or do not follow binding precedent of a higher court and instead decide the case based on personal preference.Continue Reading