I won’t say it started here.
That’s far too simplistic and much had already been done.
But this July 20, 2015 Memorandum on behalf of Sally Yates set the stage for much of what was to come.Continue Reading
a common sense approach to a liberal world
I won’t say it started here.
That’s far too simplistic and much had already been done.
But this July 20, 2015 Memorandum on behalf of Sally Yates set the stage for much of what was to come.Continue Reading
Ultimately, I believe there are two fundamental stories that unveil the entirety of what’s transpired in Washington:
The Left have worked themselves into a lather over President’ Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh as the next Supreme Court Justice.
In fairness, it wasn’t really about Kavanaugh:Continue Reading
In response to my Rosenstein article, I received a simple question from someone I respect:
Why did you focus on “media reports” regarding the FISA application?
This was in reference to the questioning of Rosenstein by Matt Gaetz:Continue Reading
As the first of two historic meetings begin today, I thought it worthwhile to revisit the most public revealing of this sordid affair.
On March 22, 2017, after learning of Trump Transition surveillance, Devin Nunes gave an impromptu press conference followed by a more formal press conference (transcripts here).
Like many, I will not soon forget the look of pure shock on Nunes’ face.Continue Reading
I wrote on the role of Alexandra Chalupa – a Ukrainian-American DNC operative – who appears at the center of the DNC’s construction of information used in the Steele Dossier.
The role of former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland in disseminating the Dossier – along with her involvement in shaping Ukraine – was also discussed.
The name Victor Pinchuk was mentioned.Continue Reading
As a result of the shooting deaths at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the debate over gun control has been reignited.
In near-hysterical fashion.
But first, some facts.Continue Reading
Anyone recall the Democrat’s House Intelligence Committee Memo – the one that was going to destroy the validity of the Nunes Memo.
House Democrats, led by Adam Schiff, were in such a hurry they wanted to bypass House protocol – applied to the Nunes Memo – and simply release their Memo at the same time.Continue Reading
Newt Gingrich explains the magnitude of the Democrats’ loss from the “Schumer Shutdown” in his weekly newsletter.
More importantly, Newt explains the tightrope Schumer will be forced to walk in the Senate, natural opposition he will likely face from House Dems and the increasingly factional nature of the Democratic Party:Continue Reading
This post is the result of requests I’ve received from readers to compile articles by category along with a description of each article.
This should prove helpful to those wanting to look into the unfolding FBI/DOJ/Obama Administration scandal surrounding illegal surveillance and collusion.Continue Reading